C-72.1, r. 2 - Regulation respecting Standardbred horse racing

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7. Persons engaged in one of the following activities described in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at a professional race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 4) and in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at an amateur race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 5) must hold one of the following licences, as the case may be, and have paid the fee therefor:
SponsorSponsor’s licence$129
Racing judgeClass A Racing judge’s licence$34.75
 Class B Racing judge’s licence$21.50
Race secretaryRace secretary’s licence$34.75
Assistant race secretaryAssistant race secretary’s licence$34.75
Programme directorProgramme director’s licence$21.50
Starting judgeStarting judge’s licence$21.50
Patrol judgePatrol judge’s licence$14.50
Paddock judgePaddock judge’s licence$21.50
Race officerRace officer’s licence$14.50
Equipment judgeEquipment judge’s licence$14.50
Authorized agentAuthorized agent’s licence$21.50
Horse trainerClass A horse trainer’s licence$21.50
 Class B horse trainer’s licence$14.50
Horse driverClass A horse driver’s licence$34.75
 Class B horse driver’s licence$21.50
 Class C horse driver’s licence$14.50
 Class D horse driver’s licence$8.25
GroomGroom’s licence$8.25
VeterinarianVeterinarian’s licence$34.75
Equipment sellerEquipment seller’s$14.50
Horse identifierHorse identifier’s licence$8.25
O.C. 2567-83, s. 7; O.C. 1240-85, s. 3; O.C. 232-2012, s. 5.
7. Persons engaged in one of the following activities described in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at a professional race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 4) and in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at an amateur race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 5) must hold one of the following licences, as the case may be, and have paid the fee therefor:
SponsorSponsor’s licence$125
Racing judgeClass A Racing judge’s licence$33.75
 Class B Racing judge’s licence$20.50
Race secretaryRace secretary’s licence$33.75
Assistant race secretaryAssistant race secretary’s licence$33.75
Programme directorProgramme director’s licence$20.50
Starting judgeStarting judge’s licence$20.50
Patrol judgePatrol judge’s licence$14
Paddock judgePaddock judge’s licence$20.50
Race officerRace officer’s licence$14
Equipment judgeEquipment judge’s licence$14
Authorized agentAuthorized agent’s licence$20.50
Horse trainerClass A horse trainer’s licence$20.50
 Class B horse trainer’s licence$14
Horse driverClass A horse driver’s licence$33.75
 Class B horse driver’s licence$20.50
 Class C horse driver’s licence$14
 Class D horse driver’s licence$8
GroomGroom’s licence$8
VeterinarianVeterinarian’s licence$33.75
Equipment sellerEquipment seller’s$14
Horse identifierHorse identifier’s licence$8
O.C. 2567-83, s. 7; O.C. 1240-85, s. 3; O.C. 232-2012, s. 5.
7. Persons engaged in one of the following activities described in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at a professional race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 4) and in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at an amateur race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 5) must hold one of the following licences, as the case may be, and have paid the fee therefor:
Activity Licence Fee
Sponsor Sponsor’s licence $121
Racing judge Class A Racing judge’s licence $32.75
  Class B Racing judge’s licence $19.50
Race secretary Race secretary’s licence $32.75
Assistant race secretary Assistant race secretary’s licence $32.75
Programme director Programme director’s licence $19.50
Starting judge Starting judge’s licence $19.50
Patrol judge Patrol judge’s licence $13.50
Paddock judge Paddock judge’s licence $19.50
Race officer Race officer’s licence $13.50
Equipment judge Equipment judge’s licence $13.50
Authorized agent Authorized agent’s licence $19.50
Horse trainer Class A horse trainer’s licence $19.50
  Class B horse trainer’s licence $13.50
Horse driver Class A horse driver’s licence $32.75
  Class B horse driver’s licence $19.50
  Class C horse driver’s licence $13.50
  Class D horse driver’s licence $7.75
Groom Groom’s licence $7.75
Veterinarian Veterinarian’s licence $32.75
Equipment seller Equipment seller’s $13.50
Horse identifier Horse identifier’s licence $7.75
O.C. 2567-83, s. 7; O.C. 1240-85, s. 3; O.C. 232-2012, s. 5.
7. Persons engaged in one of the following activities described in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at a professional race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 4) and in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at an amateur race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 5) must hold one of the following licences, as the case may be, and have paid the fee therefor:
Activity Licence Fee

Sponsor Sponsor’s licence $118.00

Racing judge Class A Racing judge’s 31.75

Class B Racing judge’s 19.00

Race secretary Race secretary’s licence 31.75

Assistant race Assistant race secretary’s 31.75
secretary licence

Programme director Programme director’s licence 19.00

Starting judge Starting judge’s licence 19.00

Patrol judge Patrol judge’s licence 13.00

Paddock judge Paddock judge’s licence 19.00

Race officer Race officer’s licence 13.00

Equipment judge Equipment judge’s licence 13.00

Authorized agent Authorized agent’s licence 19.00

Horse trainer Class A horse trainer’s 19.00

Class B horse trainer’s 13.00

Horse driver Class A horse driver’s 31.75

Class B horse driver’s 19.00

Class C horse driver’s 13.00

Class D horse driver’s 7.50

Groom Groom’s licence 7.50

Veterinarian Veterinarian’s licence 31.75

Equipment seller Equipment seller’s 13.00

Horse identifier Horse identifier’s licence 7.50
O.C. 2567-83, s. 7; O.C. 1240-85, s. 3; O.C. 232-2012, s. 5.
7. Persons engaged in one of the following activities described in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at a professional race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 4) and in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at an amateur race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 5) must hold one of the following licences, as the case may be, and have paid the fee therefor:
Activity Licence Fee

Sponsor Sponsor’s licence $117.00

Racing judge Class A Racing judge’s 31.25

Class B Racing judge’s 18.75

Race secretary Race secretary’s licence 31.25

Assistant race Assistant race secretary’s 31.25
secretary licence

Programme director Programme director’s licence 18.75

Starting judge Starting judge’s licence 18.75

Patrol judge Patrol judge’s licence 12.75

Paddock judge Paddock judge’s licence 18.75

Race officer Race officer’s licence 12.75

Equipment judge Equipment judge’s licence 12.75

Authorized agent Authorized agent’s licence 18.75

Horse trainer Class A horse trainer’s 18.75

Class B horse trainer’s 12.75

Horse driver Class A horse driver’s 31.25

Class B horse driver’s 18.75

Class C horse driver’s 12.75

Class D horse driver’s 7.25

Groom Groom’s licence 7.25

Veterinarian Veterinarian’s licence 31.25

Equipment seller Equipment seller’s 12.75

Horse identifier Horse identifier’s licence 7.25
O.C. 2567-83, s. 7; O.C. 1240-85, s. 3; O.C. 232-2012, s. 5.
7. Persons engaged in one of the following activities described in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at a professional race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 4) and in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at an amateur race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 5) must hold one of the following licences, as the case may be, and have paid the fee therefor:
Activity Licence Fee

Sponsor Sponsor’s licence $115.00

Racing judge Class A Racing judge’s 30.25

Class B Racing judge’s 18.25

Race secretary Race secretary’s licence 30.25

Assistant race Assistant race secretary’s 30.25
secretary licence

Programme director Programme director’s licence 18.25

Starting judge Starting judge’s licence 18.25

Patrol judge Patrol judge’s licence 12.50

Paddock judge Paddock judge’s licence 18.25

Race officer Race officer’s licence 12.50

Equipment judge Equipment judge’s licence 12.50

Authorized agent Authorized agent’s licence 18.25

Horse trainer Class A horse trainer’s 18.25

Class B horse trainer’s 12.50

Horse driver Class A horse driver’s 30.25

Class B horse driver’s 18.25

Class C horse driver’s 12.50

Class D horse driver’s 7.00

Groom Groom’s licence 7.00

Veterinarian Veterinarian’s licence 30.25

Equipment seller Equipment seller’s 12.50

Horse identifier Horse identifier’s licence 7.00
O.C. 2567-83, s. 7; O.C. 1240-85, s. 3; O.C. 232-2012, s. 5.
7. Persons engaged in one of the following activities described in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at a professional race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 4) and in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at an amateur race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 5) must hold one of the following licences, as the case may be, and have paid the fee therefor:
Activity Licence Fee

Sponsor Sponsor’s licence $113.00

Racing judge Class A Racing judge’s 29.25

Class B Racing judge’s 17.75

Race secretary Race secretary’s licence 29.25

Assistant race Assistant race secretary’s 29.25
secretary licence

Programme director Programme director’s licence 17.75

Starting judge Starting judge’s licence 17.75

Patrol judge Patrol judge’s licence 12.00

Paddock judge Paddock judge’s licence 17.75

Race officer Race officer’s licence 12.00

Equipment judge Equipment judge’s licence 12.00

Authorized agent Authorized agent’s licence 17.75

Horse trainer Class A horse trainer’s 17.75

Class B horse trainer’s 12.00

Horse driver Class A horse driver’s 29.25

Class B horse driver’s 17.75

Class C horse driver’s 12.00

Class D horse driver’s 6.75

Groom Groom’s licence 6.75

Veterinarian Veterinarian’s licence 29.25

Equipment seller Equipment seller’s 12.00

Horse identifier Horse identifier’s licence 6.75
O.C. 2567-83, s. 7; O.C. 1240-85, s. 3; O.C. 232-2012, s. 5.
7. Persons engaged in one of the following activities described in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at a professional race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 4) and in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at an amateur race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 5) must hold one of the following licences, as the case may be, and have paid the fee therefor:
Activity Licence Fee

Sponsor Sponsor’s licence $111.00

Racing judge Class A Racing judge’s 28.75

Class B Racing judge’s 17.25

Race secretary Race secretary’s licence 28.75

Assistant race Assistant race secretary’s 28.75
secretary licence

Programme director Programme director’s licence 17.25

Starting judge Starting judge’s licence 17.25

Patrol judge Patrol judge’s licence 11.75

Paddock judge Paddock judge’s licence 17.25

Race officer Race officer’s licence 11.75

Equipment judge Equipment judge’s licence 11.75

Authorized agent Authorized agent’s licence 17.25

Horse trainer Class A horse trainer’s 17.25

Class B horse trainer’s 11.75

Horse driver Class A horse driver’s 28.75

Class B horse driver’s 17.25

Class C horse driver’s 11.75

Class D horse driver’s 6.50

Groom Groom’s licence 6.50

Veterinarian Veterinarian’s licence 28.75

Equipment seller Equipment seller’s 11.75

Horse identifier Horse identifier’s licence 6.50
O.C. 2567-83, s. 7; O.C. 1240-85, s. 3; O.C. 232-2012, s. 5.
7. Persons engaged in one of the following activities described in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at a professional race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 4) and in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at an amateur race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 5) must hold one of the following licences, as the case may be, and have paid the fee therefor:
Activity Licence Fee

Sponsor Sponsor’s licence $109.00

Racing judge Class A Racing judge’s 28.25

Class B Racing judge’s 17.00

Race secretary Race secretary’s licence 28.25

Assistant race Assistant race secretary’s 28.25
secretary licence

Programme director Programme director’s licence 17.00

Starting judge Starting judge’s licence 17.00

Patrol judge Patrol judge’s licence 11.50

Paddock judge Paddock judge’s licence 17.00

Race officer Race officer’s licence 11.50

Equipment judge Equipment judge’s licence 11.50

Authorized agent Authorized agent’s licence 17.00

Horse trainer Class A horse trainer’s 17.00

Class B horse trainer’s 11.50

Horse driver Class A horse driver’s 28.25

Class B horse driver’s 17.00

Class C horse driver’s 11.50

Class D horse driver’s 6.25

Groom Groom’s licence 6.25

Veterinarian Veterinarian’s licence 28.25

Equipment seller Equipment seller’s 11.50

Horse identifier Horse identifier’s licence 6.25
O.C. 2567-83, s. 7; O.C. 1240-85, s. 3; O.C. 232-2012, s. 5.
7. Persons engaged in one of the following activities described in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at a professional race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 4) and in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at an amateur race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 5) must hold one of the following licences, as the case may be, and have paid the fee therefor:
Activity Licence Fee

Sponsor Sponsor’s licence $108.00

Racing judge Class A Racing judge’s 27.75

Class B Racing judge’s 16.75

Race secretary Race secretary’s licence 27.75

Assistant race Assistant race secretary’s 27.75
secretary licence

Programme director Programme director’s licence 16.75

Starting judge Starting judge’s licence 16.75

Patrol judge Patrol judge’s licence 11.25

Paddock judge Paddock judge’s licence 16.75

Race officer Race officer’s licence 11.25

Equipment judge Equipment judge’s licence 11.25

Authorized agent Authorized agent’s licence 16.75

Horse trainer Class A horse trainer’s 16.75

Class B horse trainer’s 11.25

Horse driver Class A horse driver’s 27.75

Class B horse driver’s 16.75

Class C horse driver’s 11.25

Class D horse driver’s 6.00

Groom Groom’s licence 6.00

Veterinarian Veterinarian’s licence 27.75

Equipment seller Equipment seller’s 11.25

Horse identifier Horse identifier’s licence 6.00
O.C. 2567-83, s. 7; O.C. 1240-85, s. 3; O.C. 232-2012, s. 5.
7. Persons engaged in one of the following activities described in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at a professional race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 4) and in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at an amateur race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 5) must hold one of the following licences, as the case may be, and have paid the fee therefor:
Activity Licence Fee

Sponsor Sponsor’s licence $106.00

Racing judge Class A Racing judge’s 27.25

Class B Racing judge’s 16.25

Race secretary Race secretary’s licence 27.25

Assistant race Assistant race secretary’s 27.25
secretary licence

Programme director Programme director’s licence 16.25

Starting judge Starting judge’s licence 16.25

Patrol judge Patrol judge’s licence 11.00

Paddock judge Paddock judge’s licence 16.25

Race officer Race officer’s licence 11.00

Equipment judge Equipment judge’s licence 11.00

Authorized agent Authorized agent’s licence 16.25

Horse trainer Class A horse trainer’s 16.25

Class B horse trainer’s 11.00

Horse driver Class A horse driver’s 27.25

Class B horse driver’s 16.25

Class C horse driver’s 11.00

Class D horse driver’s 5.75

Groom Groom’s licence 5.75

Veterinarian Veterinarian’s licence 27.25

Equipment seller Equipment seller’s 11.00

Horse identifier Horse identifier’s licence 5.75
O.C. 2567-83, s. 7; O.C. 1240-85, s. 3; O.C. 232-2012, s. 5.
7. Persons engaged in one of the following activities described in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at a professional race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 4) and in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at an amateur race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 5) must hold one of the following licences, as the case may be, and have paid the fee therefor:
Activity Licence Fee

Sponsor Sponsor’s licence $105

Racing judge Class A Racing judge’s 27

Class B Racing judge’s 16

Race secretary Race secretary’s licence 27

Assistant race Assistant race secretary’s 27
secretary licence

Programme director Programme director’s licence 16

Starting judge Starting judge’s licence 16

Patrol judge Patrol judge’s licence 10.75

Paddock judge Paddock judge’s licence 16

Race officer Race officer’s licence 10.75

Equipment judge Equipment judge’s licence 10.75

Authorized agent Authorized agent’s licence 16

Horse trainer Class A horse trainer’s 16

Class B horse trainer’s 10.75

Horse driver Class A horse driver’s 27

Class B horse driver’s 16

Class C horse driver’s 10.75

Class D horse driver’s 5.50

Groom Groom’s licence 5.50

Veterinarian Veterinarian’s licence 27

Equipment seller Equipment seller’s 10.75

Horse identifier Horse identifier’s licence 5.50
O.C. 2567-83, s. 7; O.C. 1240-85, s. 3; O.C. 232-2012, s. 5.
7. Persons engaged in one of the following activities described in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at a professional race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 4) and in the Rules respecting Standardbred horse races held at an amateur race track (chapter C-72.1, r. 5) must hold one of the following licences, as the case may be, and have paid the fee therefor:
Activity Licence Fee

Sponsor Sponsor’s licence $103

Racing judge Class A Racing judge’s 26

Class B Racing judge’s 15.50

Race secretary Race secretary’s licence 26

Assistant race Assistant race secretary’s 26
secretary licence

Programme director Programme director’s licence 15.50

Starting judge Starting judge’s licence 15.50

Patrol judge Patrol judge’s licence 10.50

Paddock judge Paddock judge’s licence 15.50

Race officer Race officer’s licence 10.50

Equipment judge Equipment judge’s licence 10.50

Authorized agent Authorized agent’s licence 15.50

Horse trainer Class A horse trainer’s 15.50

Class B horse trainer’s 10.50

Horse driver Class A horse driver’s 26

Class B horse driver’s 15.50

Class C horse driver’s 10.50

Class D horse driver’s 5.25

Groom Groom’s licence 5.25

Veterinarian Veterinarian’s licence 26

Equipment seller Equipment seller’s 10.50

Horse identifier Horse identifier’s licence 5.25
O.C. 2567-83, s. 7; O.C. 1240-85, s. 3; O.C. 232-2012, s. 5.